Linda Neal
Your Chapbook or Book Title, Press, Where available for sale.
This is my second collection. The first, Dodge & Burn, came as a response to my long-term partner’s death, but included other grief-focused poems. That led to the larger griefs of aging, personal extinction and planetary extinction which inform the poems in Not About Dinosaurs.
Available on Amazon
Available on Lulu
I also take orders for signed copies by email lindarneal@gmail.com
What inspired you to write this Chapbook/Book? What else should we know about it? Or just add the Blurb.
Linda Neal’s poems reach toward the ecstatic and explore the quotidian. Her chapbooks and first collection, Dodge & Burn, detail experiences of loss and grief. In Not About Dinosaurs, she digs deeper into questions of love, longing and loss, traveling the arc of life and contemplating matters of death and extinction. Writer, meditator, therapist, teacher, wife, mother, divorcee, widow, dialysis and transplant patient, she is the daughter of an engineer and a pin-up model. She grew up in the South Bay area of LA under the spell of The Wizard of Oz, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean and The Bomb. Over the years, she has founded and run several reading series and led writing and meditation workshops. She is editor-at-large for ONTHEBUS, a journal of art and poetry. She holds a Master of Fine Arts in Poetry from Pacific University. Her poems and memoir pieces have been accepted for publication in many journals, including Calyx, Chiron Review, Crosswinds, Lummox, Prairie Schooner and Tampa Review.
What was your journey to publication like?
Any upcoming Chapbook/Book releases? Upcoming poems in magazines?
I have two poems coming out in upcoming issues of Calyx, a sestina experiment and the title poem from my thesis manuscript, Bearded Iris, with which I finished an MFA in poetry at Pacific University last year. I’m still tinkering with the thesis before I send it out.
Your Website and Social Media Links.
Any poets or books that inspired your writing?
Who are you currently reading?
Currently, I’ve been reading the Finnish poet, Edith Sondergran, and Ai.Also returning to the work of my late mentor and mensch, Marvin Bell whose spirit is strong with me.
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I contribute to anything to save the environment, and I like to support local efforts, so South Bay Parkland Conservancy is a group I heartily support.
Promopalooza every day at Gyroscope Review for National Poetry Month. Check back tomorrow for another poet interview.
Past Interviews
April 1 – Alison Stone
April 2 – Jessica Barksdale Inclan
April 3 – Maureen Sherbondy
April 4 – William Rector
April 5 – Carolyn Martin
April 6 – Lucy Griffith
April 7 – Better Than Starbucks
April 8 – Marjorie Becker
April 9 – Karen Arnold
April 10 – Sheree La Puma
April 11 – Sherry Rind
April 12 – Gloria Heffernan
April 13 – Kristian Macaron
April 14 – Martin Willits Jr.
April 15- George Longenecker
April 16 – Tresha Faye Haefner
April 17 – L.Shapley Bassen
April 18 – Dotty LeMieux
April 19 – Sharon Fagan McDermott
April 20 – Steven Croft
April 21 – Cathleen Calbert
April 22 – Cathryn Shea
April 23 – Bartholomew Barker
April 24 – Stripes Magazine
April 25 – Ken Cathers