Gyroscope Press is pleased to announce the release of the chapbook, That Infinite Roar by Florida poet Laurie Kuntz.
Praise for That Infinite Roar
In awe of all that is offered – that is how we depart from Laurie Kuntz’s newest collection. In this book that talks of small and big inconveniences of life, wonder blooms everywhere. For every kind of sadness, her poems show the flip side of the record. These are her words, which treasure the little that can save us. The always imminent boredom of a shared life with a long-time partner is infused with a careful and caring perception of what is gained, even when it seems everything may be lost, including poetry itself. A trellis through which we hear the murmurs of an adult innocence constantly refreshed, That Infinite Roar plants in us vivid images of experiences always reframed in reconnection.
Lúcia Leão—Translator and writer
Laurie Kuntz’s’ That Infinite Roar humanely explores the hidden byways of the heart, investigating how our recollections shape lived experience into something we can carry. Concise, tender, and always present, her poems come to terms with transience and the fallibility of memory. As she writes in Anniversary, Again: Every act of creation, also an act of destruction/ and memory is history’s great reviser. Kuntz maps pathways toward healing and acceptance—of aging, of the inevitable open door at the end of parenting, of loss and tragedy and loneliness. Her work reminds us of the power of integration when we examine all the selves we inhabit over a lifetime. That Infinite Roar invites us to walk with Kuntz toward wholeness. As she writes in “North of Sorrow”: Everyone waits for hope/ to blow through an open window/for all that is on the outside/ can enter a home, a heart, a memory,/and north of sorrow/ are the lit borders,/which we can cross. It is a journey well worth taking.
Alison Hurwitz, Poet Founder of Well-Versed Words, and Best of the Net Nominee
That Infinite Roar is available on Amazon as both a paperback and Kindle e-book, or through the author.
Link to Laurie reading “Not Drowning But Waving”.
Video of Laurie Reading her work at Poetry and Prose for the Planet, a literary event examining climate change.

Laurie Kuntz has published two poetry collections The Moon Over My Mother’s House, Finishing Line Press and Somewhere in the Telling, Mellen Press, and three chapbooks Talking Me Off The Roof, Kelsay Books, Simple Gestures, Texas Review Press, and Women at the Onsen, Blue Light Press. Simple Gestures, won the Texas Review Poetry Chapbook Contest, and Women at the Onsen won the Blue Light Press Chapbook Contest. She has been nominated for three Pushcart Prizes and a Best of the Net Prize. Her work has been published in Gyroscope Review, Roanoke Review, Third Wednesday, One Art, Sheila Na Gig, and many other literary journals. She currently resides in Florida, where every day is a political poem waiting to be written. Visit her at:
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