We have a wonderful Spring Issue for you, including a record for us of six ekphrastic poems. Follow the links or the QR codes under the poem to see the artwork inspiring the poets. This issue features a wide range of poem styles, I’m certain there are poems here for everyone to enjoy. We may be a tad bit biased, but we love every poem in this issue.
The fine poets in the Spring 2024 Issue include:
Adrianna Gordey, Andy Macera, Angie Hexum, Ani Bachan, Ann E. Michael, Bill Schreiber, Brian Duncan, Bruce Parker, Cal Freeman, Chrissy Stegman, Christine Potter, Daniel Damiano, David A. Goodrum, David Banach, Diana Dinverno, Dick Westheimer, Donald Sellitti, Dorothy Howe Brooks, Eric Weil, Esa Bee, Genevieve Creedon, Jeff Schiff, John Beck, Juan Pablo Mobili, Julia Bucci, Karla Huston, Laura Grace Weldon, Lenny Lianne, Linda Neal, Maria Giesbrecht, Marjorie Maddox, Mark Simpson, Michael Dwayne Smith, Mona Anderson, Patty Ware, Paul Ilechko, Peggy Heitmann, Richard Jordan, Roderick Bates, Ruth Mota, Sandi Stromberg, (Shaheen Dil, Ziggy Edwards, Timons Esaias, Roberta Hatcher, Alyssa Sineni, and Arlene Weiner), Shelly Norris, Skaidrite Stelzer, Steve Brisendine, Susana Gonzales, Suzanne Edison, Terri McCord, Valerie Hastings, Vanessa Y. Niu, Zeke Shomler
The Spring 2024 Issue as an Amazon paperback HERE or Kindle ebook HERE
The Spring 2024 Issue in online PDF form HERE
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Submissions for the Summer 2024 Issue are now open!