Let the Poet Speak! – Rosie Prohías Driscoll

2 Poems – Excavation, Prima

Rosie Prohías Driscoll Bio

Rosie Prohías Driscoll is a Cuban-American educator and poet. She teaches high school English in Alexandria, VA, where she lives with her husband and a host of ancestral spirits who keep her rooted and grateful. Her poems have appeared in numerous online and print journals, including The Acentos Review, Literary Mama, Saw Palm: Florida Literature and Art, SWWIM Every Day, and Gyroscope Review, Presence: A Global Journal of Spirituality and the Arts, and Snapdragon: A Journal of Art and Healing. Her first full-length poetry collection, Poised for Flight, is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press in August 2022.



Website: https://rosiepdriscollpoet.com/

Poised for Flight preorders: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/poised-for-flight-by-rosie-prohias-driscoll/

Find more poets reading their work on the Gyroscope Review main page, search Let the Poets Speak or National Poetry Month 2022.

Make sure to check out the Spring 2022 Issue of Gyroscope ReviewSpring Issue