The Spring 2021 Call for Submissions is looking for poems about place, and speaking of place, here are ten prompts to jump-start some creativity. Flip through your phone or a book to get more ideas. Write about somewhere you’ve been, or somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. What would it be like?
Is your dream destination a beach? The mountains? Somewhere in a busy city? A cabin in the woods with no people around? That’s mine. Remember, submissions for the Sixth Anniversary Spring Issue close on March 1st at noon MST. Tell us about somewhere you love. (or hate)

I need a trip to the beach or a hike in the mountains. So many thoughts come to mind when we look at pictures of faraway lands, and pictures of spaces right in our own neighborhood. Someday I’d like to find a chapbook that concentrates on that first step out the door, then ideas from wandering the neighborhood, all the way to the edge of the city. Or town. Or farm. Where ever you are, poems are hiding. Flush them into the open and let us know about the place you are or want to be. Some of us like to live vicariously.
Here are some prompts in general from the Gyroscope Review archives, then some outside links to prompts specifically about place. Do you know any good poems or blog posts about place? Let us know through Facebook or Twitter, so we can add them to our list.
Other GR Poetry prompts:
A Poet, a Notebook, and a Pencil Walk into a Bar…
End of Summer is Not the End of Inspiration
Outside Links:
Writing Prompt: Spirit of Place
The Practice of Poetry: Writing Poems of Place with KC Trommer