Year-End Anthology 2021

Just in time for the holiday season! The Gyroscope Review Year-End Anthology for 2021. All 4 issues of Gyroscope Review (Winter, Spring, Summer, Crone Power Issue) are all in one handy volume. 286 pages of poetry goodness featuring over 200 poems and poets. This issue is print only, so grab your copy today. Fine reading […]

Fall 2021 Crone Power Issue

The fantastic Fall 2021 Crone Power Issue of Gyroscope Review is here in all its fabulous glory! You don’t want to miss this issue, chock full of incredible poems by incredible crones. The poets included: Eleanor Altman, Lisa Ashley, Ellen Austin-Li, Carol Berg, Gabriella Brand, Mary Bruce, Wendy Carlisle, Lisa Charnock, Joanne Clarkson, Mary Crow, […]

The Winter 21-1 Issue

The Winter 21-1 Issue of Gyroscope Review has arrived! Filled with poems addressing the world as we know it, and the world as we’d like it to be. Read diverse voices such as: Paul David Adkins, William Blackburn, Michael Boccardo, Nancy Botkin, Susan Campbell, Elise Chadwick, Sudasi Clement, David Colodney, Dale Cottingham, Shannon Cuthbert, Martins […]

Gyroscope Review 2020 Anthology Available Now

The 2020 Gyroscope Review Anthology is here, just in time for the holidays! Get all 4 issues from 2020 in one convenient magazine. This year’s anthology is titled, “Lockdowns and Work Arounds”, due to the unusual nature of 2020 and how we’ve had to deal with Covid 19. Explore reactions from around the country and […]