Poet of the Day – Joanne Esser

National Poetry Month April 7, 2020 Joanne Esser WHERE LOVE RESIDES   They fall into exhaustion rather than into gentle sleep,             each limb heavy with the ash of its bonfires burned completely down,                         not curled but sprawled, claiming all the space of their bed,   Two bodies that attempted fusion. Both strained to push into […]

Poet of the Day – Nicholas Alexander Hayes

National Poetry Month April 6, 2020 Nicholas Alexander Hayes The Skin Horse Dostoevsky dreams of a man beating a horse. Onlookers only smile. The dream ends and the novelist awakens, thanks god, and smiles. Napoleon on his rearing steed embodies the red genius of Hannibal. His steadiness on the precipice keeps his starving troops going […]

Poet of the Day – Nate Maxson

National Poetry Month April 5, 2020 Nate Maxson Map Of Isola Di Pantelleria (Half Sung)   A temporary coagulation: wind land This desire for the near zero, horizonal: Riehman’s zeta function No grasp of the temporal but to swim Moving towards it but never arriving The giardino pantesco: old stone, obsidian cairns ringed over single […]

Poet of the Day – Ashley Memory

National Poetry Month April 4, 2020 Ashley Memory Phalaenopsis For Becky   My window is framed by a jabot of white blossoms each petal stained with drops of red-violet ink.   People walking by gasp with delight or is it surprise that someone so silly and disorganized would own such a perfect thing?   What […]